Friday, July 8, 2011

Fitness Friday:

It's that time again! Inspirational photos of the week:

Jill Schmidt:

Jeff Gordon himself giving me the thumbs up after my first 5 mile run! He never let's me leave without telling me to "bust my buffers!" (from Thomas the train) Always sends me off with a smile :)

Megan Armstrong:

Inspiration this week: My goal dress! Size XS!

Chelsea Hartsock:
This picture was taken as my good friend Rachael and I were at the starting line for the Tulsa Midnight Madness 50 Mile Road Race last weekend. I thought we had lost our minds, but for some reason we look really excited :) Let me just say... If I can do it, you can too! Not everyone will have the desire to run in a long distance race like we decided to, but each one of you has something you could do that will test your limits, whether that be physically or spiritually. Think of something you have always wanted to do but 'know you can't.' Then go do it. Use the talents and abilities God has given you to bless others, in whatever capacity that might be. If I can lose considerable amounts of weight and go from not being active at all to running 32 consecutive miles in less than a year, you can do whatever it is you think you cannot do. =)

Kimberlee Francis:

My lil sunshines!

Leslie Pelton:

Race Day is Saturday!

Rhonda Layton:
My WHY! Working hard to be able to spend a Friday night at the park, drawing ducks with my son! Living life to be healthy & to enjoy life's simplest gifts!

Sarah Hefner:

Running after a hard rain this week: relaxing, cool, & smells wonderful! Gets me motivated to take Jace & makes me want to be outside! 

Thank you all for sharing this week! I am lovin it! I am always more inspired after Fitness Friday's! If you would like to submit a photo each week please email or facebook message me! Would love for you to join us! 

Want a shakeology sample? Get in contact with me so I can get you one in the mail!

Be inspired today!

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