Monday, October 31, 2011

Are you missing the main ingredient?


I wrote about the weight loss recipe this summer & I wanted to touch on the main ingredient: Eating. 80% of weight loss comes from what you eat! 

This weekend as I was preparing my mom's birthday cupcakes something all of a sudden hit me. I kept having to run to the store around the corner from our house because I kept missing ingredients. Once I got home and unloaded everything I realized I was missing eggs... One of the main ingredients. I got back in my car and headed to the store. I couldn't fix these amazing cupcakes without the eggs. I started to think about how we are like that with our health. We all seem to think we can get a "quick fix" & be healthy, thin, etc without having to eat right. This is SO not the case. It's not about a "quick fix" but more so a lifestyle change... Eating healthy is a main ingredient for this lifestyle change.

I'm sorry to break the news but if we want to be at a healthy weight then we must eat healthy... no way around it. I've seen so many people work out really hard and totally forget about the main ingredient. This can cause frustration in your weight loss journey. Also, eating right doesn't mean a quick fix. If you go for the quick fix you might lose weight in the beginning but what happens when you stop whatever you're doing? I really want to encourage everyone to start making healthy menus. *This doesn't mean you can't enjoy those cupcakes or never have what you enjoy.... simply implement the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time eat CLEAN. Be SMART. 20% enjoy your favorite drink or food. It's that simple. 

The best way to keep track of the 80/20 rule is to get a calendar & a highlighter. Highlight everyday you make SMART choices. The days that are your 20% leave them blank. After a month's time go back and reflect on your month. Compare your percentages with your results & see what changes need to be made... then make them! Don't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy and don't deprive yourself of your health either! 

It's called: balanced lifestyle.

I know that we all have temptations in our life but the first step to overcoming them is to DECIDE to make a change. If you are struggling with weight loss & feel as if you are working out really hard maybe you should look at your diet...What changes can be made? Are you eating too much? Not enough? Too much fast food? What is it that you can change in your diet this month? Tomorrow is the 1st and let's all get off to a great start! I am determined to make this my best month! Are you in?

Today's tip: If you are interested in a personalized meal plan then come be a club member with me at Team Beachbody! It's $2.99/week & you get every meal planned out for you along with nutritional tips, grocery lists, etc. I love using my meal plan. It tells you exactly what you need in order to reach your goals! Click HERE to sign up for your Club Membership. 

You will be automatically linked to me so that I can help you every step of the way!

Make SMART choices today!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seeking direction.


Yesterday I talked about stepping out in faith that God will give you the strength to tackle your goals. Today I want to talk about determining those goals or your passion. I had a hard time finding mine... I wasn't one of those people who knew when they were 5 what they wanted to be... I wanted to be a little bit of everything. That sounded appealing to me. What I didn't know is that when I was struggling to find my "thing" I was really figuring out just that: freedom

I always knew I wanted to be in a business serving others. Working in the dental industry proved to me that I LOVED my patients. They were more therapy for me than I really was there for them. Even though I loved my job at the dental office I still struggled with the freedom I longed to be available to Gods plans. I had a strict schedule, long hours, etc. I knew in my heart God wanted me on this adventure with Jeremy & no, it didn't mean I had to give up my passion for others. 

When we lived in California I finally had had enough... I literally did what I mentioned yesterday... I got on my knees, asked God to reveal himself to me & to guide me in the right direction of my passions for others. I had no idea what he had up his sleeve and sure enough I got what I asked for: a HUGE passion to help others with spiritual & physical health... oh, & freedom! I love my job & wouldn't change it for anything. 

I love that just because I have a passion about something doesn't mean I have to have a full time job. I can be mommy, baseball wife, traveler, & trainer. I am available to do whatever God has in store this next year. Our church is going to Africa next November & I'm really praying about my role in the trip. I love that I don't even have to question my schedule. 

Now, to my point of all of this... How do we know what goals to be setting? What passion to follow? Yours might be COMPLETELY different then mine & for some maybe it's the same: freedom. My advice is to really pray about it, ASK God to show you with confidence it's Him speaking to you, & be patient. In His timing you will know what direction to go... It took me a few years to get it figured out & I have a lot more to figure out each and every day. The great thing about our relationship with Christ is that we have never made it. Its a continuous process. Everyday is something new. 

Have you asked God where your time should be going? I encourage you today to ask God to reveal the things he desires for you & your family. I pray it is VERY clear & that you will walk out in faith ready!

If you are one of the few that might possibly have the same passion that I do I would love to talk with you about how I can help you get there!

Make today great!



During the past 6 years of my husband's professional baseball career we have learned to completely trust in God's plan for our life. We have had ups and downs, financial detours, and a lot of praying. We never know where we are going to be the next 6 months, who will cross our path, or what God will throw our direction. The one thing we do know is that no matter what happens we have to have complete trust in our God that he will provide everything that we will need & we are to be thankful along the way.

I remember writing my goals down for the first time and thinking I was crazy. They seemed so out of reach for me... I felt as if I wasn't capable of such things. Then, I was reminded that these goals were things God had laid on my heart. If He has laid them on my heart then all I have to do is have the faith to step out & go for it, right? Easier said than done. There are days when our goals seem so scary & not even worth shooting for... I mean, how could I of all people reach my goals that are way beyond my ability? What makes me so special? Nothing really. The answer is completely faith and complete dependency on our God. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phil 4:13)

My husband has been a huge example to me in this area of life. Each & every year he keeps plugging away at his baseball career, making things happen, & never ever giving up... there are days it would just be so much easier to throw in the towel and quit. God didn't give us this opportunity to quit... I believe he gave my husband this opportunity to have to completely rely on Him to reach his goals. This goes for all of us... what goals have you set? Are you selling yourself short because you are afraid to step out in faith and rely completely on God?

I know there are days when I get discouraged, am afraid, tired, etc. Those are the moments we are to get on our knees and pray. Ask God to take complete control, get up, be thankful, and get going. Don't let Satan hold you back from the things God has called you to do. He is below our feet and shall stay there!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined!
-Henry Thoreau

Go after the things God has called you to do today with complete confidence in a God who will provide each little detail along the way!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


My lil train conductor melts my heart.

Wednesday is popular for "Wordless Wednesday". For me, it feels like every day is wordless. I feel as if I have so much to say lately that I don't even know where to begin in my blog. Does anyone else ever feel this way? It seems impossible for me to pin point a certain topic and master it into a blog post. I feel like a jumbled mess.

I am so thankful that in my life I can feel as if I am a jumbled mess and still have a loving Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally. His grace is sufficient. Isn't that refreshing? On the days when I have so much to say to Him and can't seem to figure out where to start he already knows how to handle my thoughts. He knows where I've been, how I feel, and what will come of it all down the road. I am so thankful that I can be a huge mess and He still loves me. 

One thing I can say is how much love I have for my family: Jeremy & Jace. These two light up my life! They are the reason I run, work hard, and keep pressing on. They keep me motivated! When I look at them I am speechless... They melt my heart! Thankful that even when my days seem like such a mess of busyness that I can come home to my 2 favorite people in this world & not have to say one word. I simply can walk in the door and have a huge grin on my face. Love is the best medicine.

Thank you Lord for your grace & for my sweet little family.

What are you thankful for this month? What causes you to go speechless?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011



Call me crazy but this weather has energized me to get up and GO! Why not? 

I think so many times we underestimate our potential. When I say that God has big plans for you I mean it! He really does! He cares so much about your life and the direction you are headed in every area of life.... all of it. I think I am just now starting to truly understand this in my life. I have been told this over & over again but something inside of me has clicked. Just do it! 

If God lays something on your heart or you have a passion you are wanting to pursue- JUST DO IT! What's holding you back? My guess would be that you are the only one stopping you from going after what God has called you to do. 

I am just full of energy today & honestly not real sure where its came from... my passion and drive has arrived. I am ready to tackle my daily to-do lists, things NOT on my to-do lists, and am prepared to be open to whatever God brings into my day. I want everyday to be like today. How about you? 

Today's Tip: Before bed each night take time to write down your top 6 things you need to get done the next day, sleep, wake up, and go get it done. 
*Don't forget to have down time to be available for what God might bring into your day. There is a point where you can be too busy and be too busy for Gods plans. Keep it balanced but don't hold back! 

Find what motivates you to get going and do it. For me, fall weather has been so motivating and refreshing! I also need to be fed physically & spiritually: a good run & quiet time being fed by God's word. I am determined to go after my goals. Are you? The first step is believing you are worth it & that you are capable. 


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I love you.


Why is it so hard for us to say these three little words? 

I have been touched by the unloved all around me lately. It's like the hate in the world is just screaming at me for some reason. I can't stand it. I have this overwhelming feeling to love on the ones most unloved. I am not sure where that statement is actually taking me but I know God has something up his sleeve. 

I want you to take the challenge with me to love on others this week. Go out of your way to love someone. I promise that you won't regret it! God can use you in mighty ways when you simply say no to selfishness & put others first.

Not to be harsh today, but it's really not about you. Decide now to make it about others. Reflect Christ's love in your words, actions, & thoughts today.

 I am taking the challenge... are you?

Be humbled with me today.

Monday, October 17, 2011



Yesterday I did say tomorrow and I did just that! 

It has been so hard to get up and going lately... I have just been plain tired. It feels like my body has said to SLOW DOWN! I did just that this past week without completely stopping and this week I feel so much better! Who's ready to conquer this week with me?!

What is your body telling you this week? Is it saying to take it easy or push a little harder? After my week of easing up I feel fully prepared to press on this week! 

I have approximately 6 weeks left until my marathon. YIKES! I am tackling each week & continuing to plug away. I cannot wait to cross that finish line on December 4th. This week is an important week in my training and I am ready to conquer! Are you? Whats holding you back?

Let's take charge of our week TODAY & not let it slip by without giving it our best!

Today's Tip:  80% of weight loss is nutrition. Eat smart this week.

Press on this week! Phil 3:14

Saturday, October 15, 2011



"All of my life, in every season, you are still God, and I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship..." - Hillsong

I love the fall season. There are so many different colors & they all are so pretty. I love the beautiful weather, the football games, pumpkin everything, & family time. Fall is by far the best time of year. Today I have been reminded that just as quick as the seasons change so do our lives. I feel change approaching in our life but I am not sure what that change actually is yet... is that even possible? I think so. God is preparing.

God is constantly shaping us into he wants us to be... its a process. Every year I look back over the changes & am always amazed how he has nicely molded us to be better (if we are willing to let him). I am anxious to see what changes God has in store for our little family in the future. I feel as if it's going to be sooner rather than later... who knows what though. Hopefully the changes come soon so I can share with all of you too. I am ready for a new season.... not necessarily winter because I sure do love fall, but a new season in our life. 

I am praying that whatever change God throws our way that I am willing to go with the flow & adapt willingly to the change. I am trusting that God is molding me into the woman he desires me to be and through every season I have a reason to worship Him.

What about you? Are you approaching change willingly? Maybe you are in not-so-fun season... its ok. It's only a season & God will shape you & grow you through it. Choose to worship him regardless of the season in your life. He loves you & wants what is best for you. 

Today's tip: My new favorite snack! I made these for Jace last week & they were a hit in our house! I definitely recommend adding the cinnamon. I prepared a whole weeks worth today & they will be going in our lunches :) 

 Dried Cinnamon Apples: 
Click here for the full recipe.

Happy Fall!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Whole Foods Adventure!


First off, I would just like to say that I am not a professional at this kind of stuff & I'm sure not a "couponing queen." However, I do like to know where my money is going & have learned over the years that sometimes paying just a little more is more beneficial then going for all the sales. This is tough to say because I LOVE bargains! 

After watching the video below & also being convicted about my own health the past few years I have developed a passion for what children are eating. I desire for my son to create healthy habits in the beginning stages of life so that it is easier to make healthy choices in his adult years. Research has shown that the hormones in our food have contributed to all sorts of food allergies, diseases and some cancers. Let's just say when I heard this my stomach turned into knots. We could be preventing this people!!!!!

Be sure to watch this video when you have time!

What did I decide to do? I decided to take a trip to one of my favorite stores & really compare quality & prices for my family. We live on a very tight budget, therefore, there has to be lots of planning in our grocery budget.  I wanted to know... is this really doable for our family?

I am not oppose to Wal-Mart whatsoever.... my husband has a part-time job there so I especially am not "anti Wal-Mart" but we have made some decisions as a family to only buy certain things organic... as long as my trip yesterday was a success ;)

Yesterday going to Whole Foods I drove 30 minutes to Tulsa & 30 minutes back for a total of approx $5 in gas. 
Yesterday I bought the normal weeks worth of groceries for our little family & I spent $94. 
Last week while shopping for our groceries at Wal-Mart I spent a total of $100 total in 2 trips. 

What's my point? That it didn't cost THAT much more to make a healthier approach for our family & honestly it was somewhat fun to take Jace. We got us a Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie, a water, & enjoyed getting our food :) I am sure there will still be many trips to Wal-Mart for things we need last minute, but I want to make an effort to start using Whole Foods more in our grocery list. 

I have come to the conclusion that it is all about perspective. 
Here are my trips summed up!
*Note: My grocery list did not change much if not at all.

Week 1: Wal-Mart trip one: $83
Wal-Mart trip two: $25
Total: $108

Week 2: Whole Foods trip: $94
Gas: approx. $5
*I did leave out milk & bananas to our list this week. 
Swan Bros Dairy: 1 gallon of milk $4
(we made a trip to our local dairy & it was actually fun too!)
Bananas: $4

Total: $107

All in all I didn't see much of a difference in our budget... Looking back I even saved $1 & if you include our cookie maybe I spent an extra $2, ha! ;) I think from now on we will make a monthly trip to Whole Foods to get certain things we can't find elsewhere. My main concern is the hormones in our meat & produce. These things I can buy & freeze for the month & make only one trip to Tulsa.

-If you don't live close to a Whole Foods or a place similar I recommend looking into your local farmers. Research your area and look for all natural products. Like I said... I am not a professional (yet) but as a mom I desire to do my job the best I know how & part of that is providing healthy options for my family!

"We can't do everything but we all can do something!" 

What can you do to help your family make healthier choices?

Monday, October 10, 2011



As I was running my 14 miles yesterday I was reminded that everything costs.... everything. I had quite a bit of time to think, add up bills, reflect on our time as a family, and couldn't help but think about all the costs in our life. This brings me to my thought of the day: Everything in the world costs whether it be time or money, however, there is one thing that has already been paid for: our eternity. I am so thankful that even though money is tight, time is limited, and the cost of living in the world is only going up that Jesus has already paid the price for our eternal home in Heaven. I am reminded today that the costs of living here on this earth is only temporary and that I need to choose to set my sight on something bigger than this world. 

I can get so discouraged by our bank account, the time spent apart as a family, the moving, etc. Satan can attack us with worldly things. Today I choose to remember the cost that was paid for me... and you. There is nothing in this world that can compare to the sacrifice that was made when Jesus was put on the cross. 

I want to encourage you today to not get discouraged by the cost in your life & be reminded that this is not our home. We pay the price for a lot of things here on earth but our Savior paid the ultimate price. How relieving that is for me today! What about you?

Today I am humbled.

"The thief only comes to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 

I am thankful for HOPE! Are you?