Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I love you.


Why is it so hard for us to say these three little words? 

I have been touched by the unloved all around me lately. It's like the hate in the world is just screaming at me for some reason. I can't stand it. I have this overwhelming feeling to love on the ones most unloved. I am not sure where that statement is actually taking me but I know God has something up his sleeve. 

I want you to take the challenge with me to love on others this week. Go out of your way to love someone. I promise that you won't regret it! God can use you in mighty ways when you simply say no to selfishness & put others first.

Not to be harsh today, but it's really not about you. Decide now to make it about others. Reflect Christ's love in your words, actions, & thoughts today.

 I am taking the challenge... are you?

Be humbled with me today.

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