Thursday, October 27, 2011

Seeking direction.


Yesterday I talked about stepping out in faith that God will give you the strength to tackle your goals. Today I want to talk about determining those goals or your passion. I had a hard time finding mine... I wasn't one of those people who knew when they were 5 what they wanted to be... I wanted to be a little bit of everything. That sounded appealing to me. What I didn't know is that when I was struggling to find my "thing" I was really figuring out just that: freedom

I always knew I wanted to be in a business serving others. Working in the dental industry proved to me that I LOVED my patients. They were more therapy for me than I really was there for them. Even though I loved my job at the dental office I still struggled with the freedom I longed to be available to Gods plans. I had a strict schedule, long hours, etc. I knew in my heart God wanted me on this adventure with Jeremy & no, it didn't mean I had to give up my passion for others. 

When we lived in California I finally had had enough... I literally did what I mentioned yesterday... I got on my knees, asked God to reveal himself to me & to guide me in the right direction of my passions for others. I had no idea what he had up his sleeve and sure enough I got what I asked for: a HUGE passion to help others with spiritual & physical health... oh, & freedom! I love my job & wouldn't change it for anything. 

I love that just because I have a passion about something doesn't mean I have to have a full time job. I can be mommy, baseball wife, traveler, & trainer. I am available to do whatever God has in store this next year. Our church is going to Africa next November & I'm really praying about my role in the trip. I love that I don't even have to question my schedule. 

Now, to my point of all of this... How do we know what goals to be setting? What passion to follow? Yours might be COMPLETELY different then mine & for some maybe it's the same: freedom. My advice is to really pray about it, ASK God to show you with confidence it's Him speaking to you, & be patient. In His timing you will know what direction to go... It took me a few years to get it figured out & I have a lot more to figure out each and every day. The great thing about our relationship with Christ is that we have never made it. Its a continuous process. Everyday is something new. 

Have you asked God where your time should be going? I encourage you today to ask God to reveal the things he desires for you & your family. I pray it is VERY clear & that you will walk out in faith ready!

If you are one of the few that might possibly have the same passion that I do I would love to talk with you about how I can help you get there!

Make today great!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, you are inspiring to me and such a great leader in health and fitness. I need help getting to where you are at. I am praying through what the next step is for me. And you have the opportunity to go to Africa? If you feel God is leading you to go..He will take care of the details. :)
