I am so thankful for my family.... our whole family.
Sometimes I just have to pinch myself because I am so overwhelmed by love from our family. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding us each and every year as we follow God's plan for our life. No matter where we are or what we are doing we always know we have people back home that love us unconditionally.
Thank you to our parents: Thank you for loving us & always believing in us! Words can't describe the blessings you are to us! Thanks for always helping us, being selfless, driving long hours just to see us, & for raising us in great homes. We love you!
Thank you to our siblings: Thank you for always being our cheerleaders, prayer warriors, & always trying to understand our journey. You all have been nothing but supportive! Thanks for all your love! We love you!
Thank you to our grandparents: You truly are our biggest cheerleaders! Thank you for believing in us & your continuous support. You are very special to us & we love you!
Thank you to all of our extend families: Thank you for always keeping in touch with us & always supporting us from a distance! You are greatly appreciated & we cherish the moments we get to see you in the off seasons!
We cherish our family. Love you all :)
What are you thankful for today?